Emilie Gallier (France, 1984) is a choreographer and
researcher. Working from people’s implicatedness
with each other’s secret worlds, with the worlds of
dreams and of imagination, is at the heart of her
choreographer’s practice. For over a decade she has
been in search for invisible movements by using
the writing and the reading of movement as tools.
She wrote scores for the audience to read and
experimented with the sharing of individual
expertise in the real time of performance (Twists
in the Body of the Big Spectator, 2013-15). She
designed a book as a performance and observed the
place of expectation in people’s reading (sync 2012).
Today, her choreographic practice focuses on
designing performance landscapes where audience,
performers and objects evolve; they contemplate,
and they read (often in the literal sense). She uses
dance in its written and performed forms as her
main medium that then expands into collaborative
fields, for instance: graphic design and magic.
This practice translates into performance works,
scores, choreographic books, hybrid articles, lecture
performances, and research papers.


Published books by the same author:

sync, 2012, Wintertuin, PØST Cie Emilie Gallier
Twists in the body of the big spectator, 2014, PØST
Cie Emilie Gallier Overall research Reading in Performance, Lire
en Spectacle undertaken by Emilie Gallier
Performance Papier multiforme, Papier comestible
created with Tilman Andris and Jamillah Sungkar
from 2014 to 2017, and continued with Camille
Gerbeau, Nina Boas and Katinka Marac since 2018.
Performed by
Camille Gerbeau and Nina Boas
Overall concept and choreography
Emilie Gallier
Composition of the magic performance
Tilman Andris and Emilie Gallier
Magic and paper object illusions
Tilman Andris
Book design and drawings by
Jamillah Sungkar
Nicola Unger
Light and technical support
Katinka Marac
PØST Cie Emilie Gallier
Centre for Dance Research Coventry University,
THIRD (DAS Research Amsterdam), Festival
Regards dansants (Cherbourg)
Supported by
Perdu (Amsterdam), Weisslich (London),
Performance and Philosophy (Ljubjana edition),
CLOUD (The Hague)

Emilie Gallier (Jamillah Sungkar, drawings)

Papier incomestible

De Nieuwe Dansbibliotheek


Papier incomestible is the printed and bound version of the edible book in the performance ‘Papier multiforme, papier comestible’. The book contains guests, ghosts, eyes and hands, magic tricks, burps, bugs, enigmas, the score for a hand dance inspired by Yvonne Rainer, the key to one of Tilman Andris’ sleight of hands, poetry, rhythms, and deep drawings by Jamillah Sungkar.

#10001 €12.50