Reza Adib, Thomas Bellinck
The Voice of Fingers
For several years now, theatre-maker Thomas Bellinck and journalist Reza Adib have been working together long-distance. This distance is not a choice, but the result of a border regime that facilitates the international movement of one of them and obstructs that of the other. A journey that takes one of them eight hours, takes the other eight years. Since it is nearly impossible for Thomas and Reza to share the same stage, they’ve written a highly personal text for two performers. From the ridges and grooves that criss-cross the skin of their fingertips, they zoom out. To a world where skin patterns unlock laptops. And where fingers are commandeered by governments as measuring instruments - to determine who is welcome where.
- #887
- 2023
Personages: 2
- Other language (paars)
- Documentair theater/
- (Auto)biografie/
- Documentair
- Egodocumenten
- Maatschappijkritiek
- (Sociale )ongelijkheid
- Vlaamse schrijvers